Tuesday, September 14, 2010

iLearn and other online courses have had a large impact on society. People have been able to go to earn a degree from home rather than getting up and going to school on a daily basis. In this image, I portray only a few of the messages that this new medium has impacted society with.

1. Laziness sets in. Rather than having to get up and go to school, you can sleep in, stay in your pajamas, and attend class from bed.
2. Rather than being socially active, one may sit in bed and watch television until falling asleep.
3. Everything you may want is pretty much within arms reach, or at least walking distance. Rather than hanging out with friends, texting and social awkwardness takes over.

Due to technology, society has become much lazier and has lost all social skill. iLean and other online degree courses have aided in these societal flaws.

How the image was created:
The base of this image is the woman in her bed. I added the remote in her hand, and the television in the background to portray the laziness and lack of social life that takes place. I also added the cell phone to show that rather than meeting face to face, people rather text one another. We have much less face to face interaction that we used to (now, with online classes, we see other human beings less, and lack social skills). Finally, I added the iLearn screen to the laptop to show that everything can be done at one's leisure. No longer do we need to show up for class, but we can sleep in and do our work whenever we please.

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